This post is an Interview I conducted with Vancouver BC addiction physician Jenny Melamed. Jenny is a great example of a progressive physician who works collaboratively with counselors like myself to help people recover from dependency on drugs and alcohol. Incorporated within the addiction medicine specialty are the processes of detoxification, rehabilitation, harm reduction, abstinence-based treatment, medical management at recovery houses, treatment of withdrawal-related symptoms, acute intervention, and long term therapies designed to reduce likelihood of relapse. Jenny is a team player who works with patients to find the psychological and social supports they need in order to strengthen the physical benefits they achieve through their medical treatment.
Dr. JM: This is a difficult question to answer. Whether you are looking for an addiction physician – and there are very few available – or a counselor, you need to have a relationship based on honesty, trust and acceptance. You need to be able to work together and not feel judged.
Dr. Jenny Melamed is a family physician with a special interest in addiction medicine. She is certified to prescribe Methadone for both addiction and pain management. She has worked at both the Cordova and Vancouver Detox Centres in Vancouver Canada and has an addiction practice in Vancouver and Surrey working in both a private capacity and for Fraser Health. She has a large Suboxone practice and has been involved in Suboxone use and education since its introduction in January 2009. She is board Certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and certified by the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM).
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