Video Therapy & Coaching for Survivors of Family Scapegoating, Narcissistic or AntiSocial Abuse & Childhood Emotional Deprivation
Were you the Scapegoat and Blamed for Family Problems?
Did you grow up with a Self-centered, Narcissistic or Exploitative Parent?
People who had these experiences in childhood might grow into adulthood having:
- Low Self Worth or Shame – Due to negative myths you grew up with that are wrong, but feel like an uphill climb to overcome, leaving you feeling damaged, broken, lost or defective.
- A Harsh Inner Critic aka the ‘Troll’ – This Troll grabs on to the false myths you were raised with and amplifies them, making you vulnerable to chronic self doubt and lack of confidence. What’s worse is that the Troll may be working overtime in your subconscious mind, making it hard to access, never mind change, harmful beliefs that are undermining your sense of self worth.
- Chronic Anxiety – Feeling keyed up much of the time, having trouble relaxing, sleeping or just enjoying life without worry constantly hanging over your shoulder.
- Relationship Challenges – Longing for closeness but struggling with trust, intimacy and emotional communication, making it harder to get close to others or experience romantic connections. Feeling insecure in committed relationships. Experiencing confusion about healthy boundaries. Choosing unavailable or troubled partners.
- Complicated/Stuck Grief – Having trouble coming to terms with loss of the family you needed but never got in childhood and may never have; or pain from being forced out of your family through ostracization and shunning.
- Trauma – Hurtful, upsetting or frightening beliefs, memories or feelings keep coming up that trigger present day emotional distress, overwhelm or numbing – meaning the past is controlling your life.
If you identify with any of these difficulties – and they have been going on for a while – you are not alone. Help Is Here.
Available Online, Video Counseling and Coaching can help stop the pain and get your life on track.
My Online Video Coaching & Therapy Practice Focuses on 2 Key Areas
My Online Video Coaching & Therapy Practice Focuses on 2 Key Areas
Counseling & Coaching are investments in your most precious resource – your happiness and peace of mind
Why Choose Me As Your Counselor or Coach?
I want to save you years of valuable time on the Internet or with therapists or coaches who are uninformed regarding effective treatment of childhood narcissistic abuse and scapegoating. Here’s how:
Targeted Expertise in Family Abuse Recovery
As a pioneer of counseling and coaching services for survivors of family scapegoating and narcissistic abuse, you can be sure that I ‘get’ what you are going through, and what it takes to heal and recover. I will help you work through the grief and trauma, and break free of negative beliefs caused by abusive family experiences, so you can reclaim your self identity and self worth, and enjoy the relationships you deserve.
A Goal Oriented Approach That Gets Results
With a commitment to helping you achieve the concrete results you want, I help people begin to experience positive change as quickly as possible – often within a few months of weekly counseling sessions. I take satisfaction in successful outcomes with clients who believed therapy could never help them overcome abusive family experiences. Using your goals to guide each session, my approach focuses on the core issues that need to be addressed, so you can truly break free of long standing pain and feel better about yourself and your relationships. We will work together until your goals are met, and you feel confident, content and more in control of your life.
Online Video Counseling and Coaching Available In Select Countries Around the World
I want to make sure you get the help you need by meeting with you wherever you are. Busy professionals, high profile people who want maximum privacy, Ex-Pats, people with young children or living in smaller communities where counseling options are limited can all benefit from Online Video Counseling or Coaching. You can also choose video counseling if you can’t or don’t want to commute to attend counseling, travel a lot or live part of the year outside of your home town.
Solid Training & Experience in Individual & Couple Counseling & Coaching
As a graduate of the Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology program from the University of Toronto, I have solid training from some of the world’s most learned instructors. I also possess post-graduate certification in Hypnotherapy and Addictions Counselling, and training in Somatic Experiencing to help individuals and couples overcome whatever challenges they are struggling with.
Many therapists and coaches practicing today offer both individual and relationship counseling or coaching without having any specialized training in couples work. Yet effective couples counseling and coaching requires a very different approach and skill set than individual counseling or coaching. As a Masters in Individual Counseling graduate of the University of Toronto and Post-graduate Training and Certification from the Couples Institute in California and Terry Real’s Relational Life Institute of Boston, you can be sure that the approach I take is the right one for your situation.
Multimedia Resources to Help You Heal Faster in Therapy
As a psychotherapist, coach and author I know the value of combining counseling and coaching with self help resources to help you reach your goals. I publish free, in depth articles, podcasts on my Blog, where you will find dozens of self help posts to help you move forward faster. For example, here’s the link to a popular and groundbreaking article I wrote on family scapegoating that will help you understand the signs and how to heal: 12 Steps to Healing From Being the Family Scapegoat
I am here to help you break free of ‘the pain that won’t go away’, and chart your course to the life you want and deserve
Benefits of Targeted Online Video Counseling or Coaching Include:
- Healing from childhood neglect, abuse or trauma so you can live in – and enjoy – the present
- Transcending the pain of estrangement grief, loss and betrayal caused by narcissistic family abuse or scapegoating
- Reclaiming your true identity by developing a solid, reality based sense of self-worth, confidence and contentment
- Creating healthier, more satisfying, secure and loving relationships
- Managing your emotions, especially triggers, more effectively, so you can feel calmer and more in control of your life
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